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How to Become a California School Counselor
Where are you on your quest to become a California School Counselor?
There are several paths into the school counseling profession. Many who enter the field do so with no prior experience as educators, while others who have built up careers as teachers decide to pivot to this related but separate position after years in the classroom.
No matter what your prior work or educational experience is, in the state of California, those who are motivated to become school counselors can find a streamlined path to do so.
Anyone who is motivated to take up this meaningful and rewarding work will find avenues to the career they want by pursuing guidance counselor education and certification. The specific path you take will depend on your existing level of education and any credentials you might already hold, whether as a school counselor in another state or as a California-based teacher.
- Top Picks
Featured Universities with School Counseling Programs
Walden University
MS in School Counseling - General Program. Click here to contact Walden University and request information about their programs.
Campbellsville University
Online Master of Arts in Education in School Counseling Click here to contact Campbellsville University and request information about their programs.
University of West Alabama
Master of Education: School Counseling & Education Specialist: School Counseling Click here to contact University of West Alabama and request information about their programs.
Grand Canyon University
M. Ed in School Counseling (leads to initial Licensure) Click here to contact Grand Canyon University and request information about their programs.
Sacred Heart University
Online Master of Arts in School Counseling Click here to contact Sacred Heart University and request information about their programs.
Where are you on your quest to become a California School Counselor?
Explore the information below and learn how you can become a school counselor in California. Some of the information below may be subject to change. In order to make sure you have the most current information, please feel free to contact your school counseling education program advisor or contact the California Department of Education licensing department at (916) 445-7254.
Golden State, Golden Opportunities
California is one of the largest and most populous states in the country. It’s also a fantastic place to be a school counselor for a number of reasons, offering one of the most attractive environments to launch your career (and not only because of the weather).
California ranks not only as the state with the highest employment level for school counselors, but also as the state that offers school counselors the highest pay.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over 41,000 jobs for school counselors all over California, meaning you should be able to find opportunities no matter what part of the state you’re in. Paired with exceptional pay, those who hold guidance counselor credentials in the state are in an especially nice position.
So how much do guidance counselors make an hour in California? According to the same report, the hourly mean wage for school counselors in California is $41.26, greatly exceeding the national average of $32.21. Put in terms of a mean annual salary, California school counselors earn a reported $85,820 – and again, this is only the average. Those who have significant work experience or hold additional specialization certifications can make even more as school counselors, building thriving careers that offer stability and in turn, longevity.
All data taken from the BLS’ May 2023 report, accessed March 2025.
I’m a High School Graduate…
In order to meet qualifications for guidance counselor credentials in California, you must ultimately obtain a master’s degree. This means that those who have not yet completed a bachelor’s degree have some work ahead of them before they will be able to pursue formal school counseling schooling. However, you can embrace this as a chance to survey the field of education to make sure that you’re choosing the path where you’ll excel.
Step One: Earn a Bachelor’s Degree
You can pursue master’s-level guidance counselor education with a bachelor’s degree in any subject, meaning you do not need to hold an undergraduate degree related to school counseling. That said, those who are intrigued by this career path will likely be drawn to subjects related to the field, such as Psychology, Counseling, and Education. These can help you gain a baseline knowledge to draw from in your master’s program, as well as helping you determine your desired career path down the line.
Step Two: Explore Volunteering Opportunities
A great way to find out if you are interested in a social service type of career, like school counseling, is to find volunteering organizations who work with children or young adults. The following are links to organizations who can place you in volunteering positions across the state of California:
- California Volunteers – Mentoring Placement
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central California
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bay Area
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego County
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Sacramento Area
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County
- California Department of Education School Search Tool
Lastly, remember the only way to be certain the life of a school counselor is right for you is to become involved and immerse yourself in the education environment.
I have already earned a college degree…
If you already hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject, you are eligible to pursue a guidance counselor career in full.
In order to work as a school counselor in California, you must hold a Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential with a specialization in School Counseling.
Keep this in mind as you pursue the following steps – they should all be oriented toward obtaining your PPS certification.
The following are the steps necessary for earning your school counseling certification in California:
Step One: Pursue Your Master’s Degree
There are a few options for guidance counselor schooling that can lead you to California state credentials. You can fulfill educational requirements through one of the following avenues:
- Earn a Commission-accredited post-baccalaureate or Master’s degree in School Counseling
- Or find more school counseling programs in California here.
Some programs offer a Master of School Counseling degree, while other programs in areas like Counseling Psychology and Educational Psychology offer specialization tracks in Guidance Counseling. When exploring guidance counselor education options, it’s critical to make sure your program is explicitly intended to prepare you for your certification exams, as this will be a critical next step upon graduation.
Step Two: Complete Your Field Education
This step will actually overlap with step one, as it will be part of your master’s program, in addition to your guidance counselor classes. Make sure your school counseling degree program offers a practicum with school-aged children. This is a requirement for earning school counseling certification in California.
Step Three: Pass Your Certification Exams
One of the other most monumental requirements to become a guidance counselor in California (as well as the rest of the country) is taking your credentialing exams. You must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST). You can find more information about the CBEST by contacting them through one of three of the following avenues:
The CBEST ProgramNational Evaluation Systems
P.O. Box 340880
Sacramento, CA 95834-0880
(916) 928-4003By Phone: (916) 928-4001Or by website:
Step Four: Complete a Background Check
Before entering a classroom during your practicum experience, you will need to have your fingerprints taken and sent for background check purposes by the California Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Have your fingerprints taken at your local police department. Have your fingerprints taken at your local police station and request two fingerprint cards. Fill out the form to give consent for criminal history background review. Download form Here.
You will also need to complete a LiveScan Request Form. You can find the forms and information regarding fingerprinting procedures and fees on this website.
Step Five: Submit Your Application
If you’ve completed your guidance counselor education including your practicum hours, passed the CBEST, and undergone a background check, congratulations! You have met all the qualifications for guidance counselors in California. The only remaining step is to submit your application to the California Department of Education.
California is in serious need of highly qualified, motivated and caring school counselors. As it becomes more evident our state’s economic needs require highly educated, responsible and adaptable citizens, school guidance counselors are going to be put front and center. Salaries will more appropriately reflect the importance of their job.
Review certification procedures, submit an online application, or download your application materials on the following webpage.
I’m a teacher in California and wish to become a school counselor…
If you are already a teacher in California, many of the small issues related to earning your certification are already taken care of, such as the background check.
However, you will still need to complete a post-baccalaureate or Master’s degree in School Counseling:
- New York University (NYU) Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance – School Counseling and Bilingual School Counseling – MPCAC Accredited
- Or find more school counseling programs in California here.
You must also pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST). You can find more information about the CBEST by contacting them through one of three of the following avenues:
The CBEST ProgramNational Evaluation Systems
P.O. Box 340880
Sacramento, CA 95834-0880
(916) 928-4003By Phone: (916) 928-4001Or by website:
Review certification procedures, submit an online application, or download your application materials here.
I’m a certified counselor from another state…
The California Department of Education does recognize certifications coming from other states and will review transcripts and practicum verification.
Also, as a counselor from another state, you must have had at least 150 of the 600 supervised clock hours of school counseling internship must be devoted to issues of diversity.
You will also need to meet the examination requirements of California:
The CBEST ProgramNational Evaluation Systems
P.O. Box 340880
Sacramento, CA 95834-0880
(916) 928-4003By Phone: (916) 928-4001Or by website:
Lastly, you will need to complete all background check procedures required by the California Department of Education.
- Complete a LiveScan Request Form. You can find the forms and information regarding fingerprinting procedures and fees on this website.
Review certification procedures, submit an online application, or download your application materials here.
What is required to be a school counselor in California?
Like in most other states, requirements to become a guidance counselor in California include holding a master’s (or, in some cases, baccalaureate) degree related to school counseling, as well as passing your certification exams and completing a mandatory background check. It will not be possible to become a school counselor in California without these things.
What do you need to be a guidance counselor if you are already a teacher in California?
Yes. This is because the coursework in a teaching master’s program is quite different from the material covered in guidance counselor classes. At the very least, you must complete a post-baccalaureate degree program related to School Counseling to qualify.
How long does it take to be a guidance counselor in California?
A typical master’s program related to school counseling takes 2.5 to three years to complete, including your field internship. After that, you will be eligible to take your guidance counselor credential exam.
Can I complete a field practicum unrelated to school counseling?
No. Your field internship is one of the most important parts of your guidance counselor schooling, allowing you to experience the ins and outs of the job on the ground. Because of this, it is a strict requirement that all guidance counseling students complete field work that is directly related to their intended profession while in school.