How to Become a Georgia School Counselor

Where are you on your quest to become a Georgia School Counselor?

School counselors play a vital role on K-12 campuses all over the country, offering guidance to students facing issues of all types, from mental health struggles to academic challenges to critical issues of safety and security. Within school communities, they can serve as nothing short of a lifeline for students in need, making this a deeply rewarding role for people who are motivated to support young people.

If you wish to uplift children and adolescents in a role outside of classroom teaching, school counseling can offer a fantastic alternative path.

This is a role that can have a wide range of responsibilities within schools, interacting with nearly every member of the community, from students to teachers to administrators to parents. For those who seek an action-packed job that will connect you with others, this is a path that will keep you engaged in both the short-term and the long-term.

While many think of the work of school counselors purely in terms of one-on-one advising sessions, their role is actually far more varied, requiring them to not only attend to individuals who are struggling but also to assess the student body as a whole, designing a program that addresses the needs of the community as a whole.

woman talking with young teen girl

Because their work is so unique in its scope, school counselors have their own training process distinct from other educators as well as other types of counselors. In the state of Georgia, school counselors are required to hold state certification in order to qualify for these positions, reflecting that they are thoroughly trained to take on these sensitive responsibilities.

So what do you need to become a school counselor in Georgia? This guide will tell you everything you need to know, providing complete instructions on how to become a school counselor no matter where you’re starting from. Read on to learn which steps you need to take to get started.

Your Path to Becoming a School Counselor Depends on Your Educational Background

The steps to becoming a school counselor will vary depending on your current level of education, but for everyone, guidance counselor schooling will require the same ultimate step: a master’s degree in a subject related to the field.

Some aspiring school counselors will be ready for their master’s programs now, while others have additional schooling before they can qualify for these graduate programs. It all depends how much school you have completed already.

Where are you on your quest to become a Georgia School Counselor?

Explore the information below and learn how you can become a school counselor in Georgia. Some of the information below may be subject to change. In order to make sure you have the most current information, please feel free to contact your school counseling education program advisor or contact the Georgia Department of Education licensing department at (404) 232-2500.

I’m a High School Graduate…

high school counselor talking with group of teen kids

As a high school graduate, you are in a great place to begin exploring career options in the field of education and school counseling.

In order to meet the qualifications for school counselors in Georgia, you’ll need to ultimately earn a master’s degree. This is a strict requirement to become a school counselor and is an unavoidable step for anyone who wishes to take on this high-stakes role.

If at present the highest degree you hold is a high school diploma, you’ll have a few steps on the way to grad school, but good news: you have the opportunity to begin your counseling education as an undergraduate.

Take a look at the following steps to figure out where to get started.

Step One: Pursue an Undergraduate Degree

It is only possible to qualify for a master’s program if you already hold a bachelor’s degree. You are not required to hold a bachelor’s degree in a subject related to school counseling in order to qualify for a related master’s program, meaning you are welcome to pursue any undergraduate degree you wish for. However, those who know they are interested in school counseling careers can find opportunities to begin pursuing this knowledge as undergraduates by majoring in Education or in Counseling, both of which will provide an orientation in key topics in the field and in some cases opportunities for on-the-ground field experiences.

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Step Two: Get Your Feet Wet in the World of School Counseling

A great way to find out if you are interested in a social service type of career, like school counseling, is to find volunteering organizations who work with children or young adults. Those who pursue undergraduate degrees related to school counseling may be able to find opportunities to volunteer through their schools, but it’s also possible to find such positions on your own. 

The following are links to organizations who can place you in volunteering positions across the state of Georgia:

Georgia is definitely in need of quality school counselors to help students transition smoothly from the always turbulent waters of youth to competent and confident citizens of tomorrow.

So, go ahead and see how you can be a part of Georgia’s future.

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I have already earned a college degree…

If you already hold an undergraduate degree in any subject, great news: you’re well on your way to meeting the requirements to become a guidance counselor in Georgia. The rest of the process will be focused on your focused guidance counselor education, followed by the credentialing process.

The following are the steps necessary for earning your school counseling certification in Georgia:

Step One: Complete Your Master’s Program

As mentioned above, a master’s degree is a flat-out requirement for anyone who hopes to acquire guidance counselor credentials. But what degree does a guidance counselor need specifically? In fact, there are a few options. This can include a Master of School Counseling proper, a Master of Educational Psychology with a concentration in School Counseling, or a general Master of Counseling Psychology with a specialization in School Counseling.

Guidance counselor classes in your master’s program will build up your knowledge of best practices for school counselors, preparing you for the many different responsibilities of the job. You will also be expected to complete a field internship (also known as a practicum), offering you a supervised work experience that will build skills and introduce you to life on the ground as a school counselor.

Thanks to the arrival of remote learning, it’s now possible to get your master’s degree online. This is a door-opening opportunity for many who have previously been unable to take on on-campus programs, alleviating the burden of having to relocate to be close to school. In many cases, these programs offer flexible delivery models, meaning students can take classes at their convenience. In most cases, these programs take 2.5 to three years to complete on a full time schedule.

Step Two: Complete Your Certification Assessment Exam

Upon obtaining your graduate degree, you will need to successfully complete the school counseling assessment of the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE). This computer-delivered test, consisting of multiple-choice and written questions, is designed to evaluate your competencies in the school counseling field. Your graduate school education will provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to succeed on this exam, though it’s also encouraged to take time to study, as passage of this exam is required in order to qualify for school counselor positions.

The GACE is typically offered in two parts, though students can elect to take both on the same day. There are typically testing windows offered throughout the year.

Results of the GACE are forwarded to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC), which awards certification to students who pass the test.

Step Three: Forward Transcripts to the Georgia Dept. of Education

You will need to request official transcripts of all post-secondary education you have completed be sent to the Georgia Department of Education. This is a separate step from formally applying for your certification, but is required in accompaniment with step four (read below).

Step Four: Apply for Certification

Upon passing the GACE exam, congratulations! You’ve completed the most difficult and time-intensive requirements for guidance counselor credentials. Your next step is to complete an application with the GaSPC. You may download and mail an application or complete the application online at the following webpage. You can also find more information on the school counseling certification requirements in Georgia by clicking on the “school counseling” link under the heading of “Service Fields” on this webpage.

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I’m a certified counselor from another state…

high school counselor talking with young girl

If you currently hold a professional school counseling certification in another state, you may be eligible for a school counselor certification in Georgia through reciprocity agreements.

However, certification is granted on an individual basis and your certification and experience will need to match specific Georgia Department of Education requirements for school counseling certification, or you will need to complete any deficit of qualifications you currently have.

On this webpage you will find information and links to more information on the procedure and requirements for earning your Georgia school counseling certification.

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What degree do I need to be a counselor in K-12 schools?

You must hold a master’s degree in order to become a school counselor in Georgia and the rest of the country. There are a few degree pathways for aspiring guidance counselors, all of which will leave you eligible for Georgia state certification. These include a Master of School Counseling, a Master of Educational Psychology with a specialization in School Counseling, and a Master of Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Guidance Counseling.

How long does it take to be a guidance counselor?

The duration of your journey to becoming a guidance counselor depends on your level of education. If you don’t yet hold a bachelor’s degree, you will need to complete such a program before pursuing your master’s. This typically takes four years to complete, though it is sometimes possible to enroll in additional summer semesters to expedite the process. Most master’s programs related to school counseling take 2.5 to three years to complete on a full time schedule. If you already have a bachelor’s degree, this will be the length of your guidance counselor journey. If you don’t, you can expect the process to take roughly 6.5 to 7 years.

How much do guidance counselors make an hour in Georgia?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, guidance counselors in the state of Georgia earn a mean hourly wage of $32.03, amounting to an annual mean wage of $66,630. As a school counselor, your salary will depend upon your level of expertise, the school where you work, and the specific position you take on. 

What is the difference between a school counselor, a school psychologist, and a school social worker?

It’s easiest to draw out the distinction between these roles in two comparisons:

  • School counseling vs. school psychology: Though very much related, these fields differ in their emphases. School counselors do provide psychological support to students, oftentimes in the form of one-on-one or group counseling sessions. However, their roles are far more expansive than simply this work. School psychologists, meanwhile, are more or less exclusively focused on student mental health, meaning they typically take on a narrower range of responsibilities with a greater depth of knowledge about psychological and emotional challenges for young people.
  • School counselor vs. school social worker: Though school counselors will sometimes be tasked with supporting students facing serious issues related to their home environments, such as poverty, lack of access to food, abuse, and neglect, school social workers are the professionals whose training is dedicated exclusively to monitoring and supporting such students. Again this is a question of depth of training and the key responsibilities such professionals are tasked with.

2023 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2025.

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