School Counseling Master’s Programs
What Can I Do With A Masters In School Counseling? Career Opportunities and Degree Options
The work of a school counselor is rigorous, engaging, and highly impactful, playing a role that can tremendously benefit individual students as well as school communities as a whole. This is rewarding and challenging work that requires no small amount of training and expertise, as school counselors are entrusted to take responsibility for a wide range of delicate situations involving children and adolescents. For this reason, aspiring school counselors should be prepared to devote time to their education as they plan their career trajectories.
No matter where in the country you live, if you’re planning on becoming a school counselor, you’ll need to obtain a master’s degree.
When you consider the vital roles school counselors play in the lives of young people, it’s easy to understand why this amount of preparation is necessary. Further, the role of school counselors in contemporary school environments goes far beyond previous expectations for guidance counselors of the past, extending into administrative and leadership duties that can meaningfully influence a school’s functions and overall culture.
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Featured Universities with School Counseling Programs
Walden University
MS in School Counseling - General Program. Click here to contact Walden University and request information about their programs.
Campbellsville University
Online Master of Arts in Education in School Counseling Click here to contact Campbellsville University and request information about their programs.
University of West Alabama
Master of Education: School Counseling & Education Specialist: School Counseling Click here to contact University of West Alabama and request information about their programs.
Grand Canyon University
M. Ed in School Counseling (leads to initial Licensure) Click here to contact Grand Canyon University and request information about their programs.
Sacred Heart University
Online Master of Arts in School Counseling Click here to contact Sacred Heart University and request information about their programs.
With so many programs out there, it may be difficult for prospective school counseling students to figure out which option is best for them, or to even know what they’re looking for in their professional development. Higher education, after all, can require significant investments of time and money, and incoming students are wise to give serious thought to the options on the table. This article is intended to help you make informed assessments so that you can get what you want from your graduate school experience.
Several Degree Pathways to the Same Career

When planning for your education, there is actually a small range of guidance counselor degrees that you can choose from, some of them going by other names. These can include:
- Master of School Counseling
- Master of Human Service Counseling
- Master of Counseling, School Counseling track
- Master of Educational Psychology
- Master of Counseling Psychology, School Counseling track
All of these degrees are likely to satisfy requirements for school counselors nationwide, though it is of course worth doing your research on any individual programs on your list to confirm it is intended for future school counselors. There are some states, like California, that also require school counselors to also obtain Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credentials, which is often built into the coursework of master’s programs.
Your Degree May Affect Where You Can Practice as a School Counselor
Remember, a master’s degree is the minimum qualification for school counselors in primary and secondary schools, which include pre-K through grade 12. Most counselors who work on university and college campuses are licensed as mental health counselors and psychologists.
If you are interested in becoming licensed for a broader range of ages and student populations, you should consider enrolling in a dual degree program. This will allow you to attain your mental health counseling license and certification as a school counselor for pre-K through 12.
Calculating Your Return on Investment (ROI) Can Help You Make the Right Decision

As you consider your educational plans and sort through the many opportunities out there to pursue work as a school counselor, it may be helpful to think through your Return on Investment (ROI) opportunities. The business-savvy may recognize this term, which, simply put, describes the potential takeaway (that is, income) one can receive as the result of the money they’ve put in (in this case, the money spent on tuition and other school costs). The calculation for this is very straightforward: subtract the total cost of your schooling from the total amount you expect to earn over your whole career. What remains is your total return.
The logic behind your ROI is fairly simple: you’ll want your cumulative income over your career to be significantly greater than the amount you invested in your professional degree.
Simply put, you want to make sure your schooling pays you back in the long run! Your estimated ROI can help you understand what your work is going toward and provide information that can inform your choice of academic programs as well as long-term career planning.
Chances are, if you’re looking to become a school counselor, you’re motivated by the work itself rather than by money. After all, the richest reward of this profession is the support you’re able to provide for students in need. That said, ROI is still a worthwhile consideration for anyone considering attending graduate programs.
How to Approximate Your ROI

So how do you figure out what the ROI will be on the school counselor programs that appeal to you? Two pieces of information will be useful to you here: the total cost of your graduate program upon completion, and the total lifetime compensation you expect to receive as a school counselor.
Determining the Cost of School
The first thing you’ll want to determine when estimating your ROI is the overall cost of tuition for your graduate program. This means the cumulative amount you’ll have paid after completing school (which, in most cases, will take two years or four semesters).
Where you attend school, of course, will significantly impact your total expenses. Private universities typically cost significantly more than public ones, making them a much larger investment than state schools near where you live.
No matter where you enroll in school, scholarships, fellowships, and grants can significantly reduce the cost of your education. This is a factor that you can’t necessarily estimate at the outset of the admissions process, as you’re unlikely to find out if you’ve been awarded any sort of academic award until you have been accepted into a program. In this case, you may need to wait until you have heard back from schools to calculate your ROI at the various programs you’ve been accepted to, factoring in the awards you’ve received.
Determining Your Anticipated Salary
The next part of this equation is your anticipated salary. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ 2023 report on Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors can give you a rough idea of what you can expect to earn as a school counselor. This report finds that nationally, school counselors employed at elementary and secondary schools earn a mean annual salary of $74,910.
Where you work can also significantly impact how much you earn. Though of course you can’t necessarily anticipate where life will take you over the course of your whole career, it can be useful to look at the specific salaries for school counselors in the state where you plan to get your career started. The BLS reports the following mean annual salaries for the five states below, which boast the highest employment rates for school counselors in the country:
- California: $85,820 per year
- Texas: $63,770 per year
- New York: $72,930 per year
- Florida: $56,920 per year
- Illinois: $65,480 per year
It’s worth remembering that these are just averages, meaning it’s possible to make significantly more as a school counselor. Indeed, what you earn is likely to be determined by your seniority, your role in the institution where you work, and any possible sub-specializations you may pursue as a school counselor. The BLS reports that salaries in the 90th percentile nationally are $100,050 or higher, an impressive number that can serve as motivation for those hoping to work their way up in the field over their careers.
It’s worth remembering that your salary as a school counselor will likely be accompanied by healthcare coverage as well as a pension plan. This can be a significant boon in both the short term and the long term, saving you money over the course of your career and providing you with a guaranteed payout upon retirement. Not all career paths offer such benefits, making this a perk that can add incentive to pursue a long-term career in the school counseling profession.
Online Degrees Can Help You Continue to Earn an Income While in School
Until recently, going to graduate school often meant devoting a significant amount of time to commuting to and from campus. For some students, it also meant relocating to live closer to a school campus, disrupting previous employment opportunities. This meant that prospective graduate students were faced with a difficult decision: pursuing education to invest in a long term career would come at the expense of maintaining a day-to-day career in the meantime. In some cases, this caused too much economic hardship in the short-term for prospective students to take on, leading them to give up on attending graduate programs altogether.
Fortunately, the arrival of online education options has eliminated that concern, giving students greater flexibility so that they can continue to hold their day jobs while investing in more skilled careers.
Indeed, there are numerous excellent opportunities to get your school counselor degree online, with many programs offering courses on an asynchronous schedule that students can tailor around their existing work obligations. Students are also spared the obligation to relocate to attend their graduate programs, meaning those who wish to keep their existing jobs while in school will find it much easier to do so. This should come as fantastic news for students who haven’t been sure how they can support themselves while in school. Though it will still take dedication and hard work, you’ll have far more control over where school fits into your life than students have ever had before.
A Shortlist of Degree Programs For School Counselors
Below is a list of some of the top school counselor programs (online and in-person) in the country. For those interested in calculating their ROI, the tuition listed for each school in this guide can provide figures from which you can calculate the overall cost of your education. That said, you will need to look at the specific tuition of the schools on your own list to get an exact sense of what you will pay.
Azusa Pacific University
MA/Ed.M of Educational Counseling with School Counseling Credential
Locations: Azusa, Murrietta, Orange County, and Inland Empire, CA
Program format(s):In-person, online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $17,180
Columbia University – Teacher’s College
MA/Ed.M of Psychological Counseling – School Counseling
Locations: New York City, NY
Program format(s):100% online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $36,882
East Texas A&M
MS in Counseling – School Counseling track
Locations: Commerce, Dallas, McKinney, and Mesquite, TX
Program format(s):In-person, hybrid
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $3,669
Eastern New Mexico University
Master of Education – School Counseling emphasis
Locations: Portales, NM
Program format(s):100% online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $4,194
North Carolina State University
M.Ed of School Counseling
Locations: Raleigh, NC
Program format(s):In-person, online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $9,459
Oregon State University
Master of Counseling in School Counseling
Locations: Corvallis, OR
Program format(s):Hybrid
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $13,446
Seton Hall University
MA of School Counseling
Locations: South Orange, NJ
Program format(s):100% online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $35,160
University of Denver
MA of School Counseling
Locations: Denver, CO
Program format(s):100% online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $58,032
University of West Alabama
M.Ed of School Counseling
Locations: Livingston, AL
Program format(s):100% online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $6,868
Walden University
MS in School Counseling
Locations: Minneapolis, MN
Program format(s):100% online
Estimated cost of tuition (per-year): $9,902
Do the different types of guidance counseling degrees reflect different specializations?
It depends. There are indeed a range of degrees that can lead one to the school counseling profession, and some of them may place an emphasis on certain aspects of this work. For example, some School Counseling programs are offered as concentrations within general Psychology programs, meaning students can anticipate an emphasis on mental health care. That said, students who have attended any accredited school counseling programs, online or in-person, will qualify for positions at any K-12 school.
If I get my school counseling degree online, will I need to complete a practicum in person?
Yes. Your practicum (or field work) is one of the most important parts of your school counseling training, and doing this work on the ground in a school environment is a necessary step for anyone who wishes to pursue this career. That said, those attending school counseling programs online will be able to find field work opportunities that are convenient to wherever they are located.
Do I need a bachelor’s degree in a field related to education or psychology to pursue an advanced degree in school counseling?
No. You are required to hold a bachelor’s degree to qualify for any master’s program, but you do not need to have a background related to school counseling in order to pursue a graduate degree in the subject.
Do I need a master’s degree to become a school counselor?
Yes. This is a requirement in every state in the country. This is to ensure that school counselors, who take responsibility for students during critical moments, are thoroughly qualified for their roles.
2024 US Bureau of Labor Statistics salary and employment figures reflect state data, not school-specific information. Conditions in your area may vary. Data accessed March 2025. Students, whereas out-of-state students pay an additional $17,394 every year.
School Counseling Programs in Your State
You can learn more about other schools offering a master’s level school counseling program by searching your state’s Department of Education website or by contacting a certification representative.
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Featured Universities with School Counseling Programs
Walden University
MS in School Counseling - General Program. Click here to contact Walden University and request information about their programs.
Campbellsville University
Online Master of Arts in Education in School Counseling Click here to contact Campbellsville University and request information about their programs.
University of West Alabama
Master of Education: School Counseling & Education Specialist: School Counseling Click here to contact University of West Alabama and request information about their programs.
Grand Canyon University
M. Ed in School Counseling (leads to initial Licensure) Click here to contact Grand Canyon University and request information about their programs.
Sacred Heart University
Online Master of Arts in School Counseling Click here to contact Sacred Heart University and request information about their programs.